Welcome to krrd.ing!
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I'm Brandon and this is my primary hub on the internet. You can learn more about me here. Below you'll find my longer form articles, links to things I've written elsewhere and the latest few additions to my Postroll. I mostly write about tech and spirituality (and the swirl of topics around these things). But honestly - anything goes.
Want to connect? Until I add an email form, find me on Mastodon or Bluesky! (But feel free to just follow along the writing here if you’d prefer!)
Looking for a fun indieweb community online? Check out omg.lol! It's the best I've found!
Recent Work on Krrd
Jason - omg.lol Interview Series
Published: at 12:00 AMFor the fifth in the OMGLOL Interview Series, I heard from Jason! Please Read on to learn more about this amazing individual! He's in politics and shares how we can get involved in these trying times!
Claudia - omg.lol Interview Series
Published: at 12:00 AMFor the fourth in the OMGLOL Interview Series, I heard from Claudia! Please Read on to learn more about this amazing individual!
Technology Questions Challenge
Published: at 12:00 AMLou challenged me to the technology questions challenge. Read on for my answers!
What in the World is Going on in the USA? Culture and Religion Edition
Published: at 12:00 AMLots of people are asking, what in the world is going? This is my attempt to explain it through the lens of culture and religion.
What I've Published Elsewhere...
Week Notes (12-08-2024)
It was a long week. I don't know how much more there is to say?
Published: at 12:00 AM🔗 wand3r.net
playing in the sea
Pictures don't always turn out the way you expect. Sometimes they might even come out better.
Published: at 12:00 AM🔗 images.krrd.ing
sunset over the sea
I love this shot of the sunset over a beach in Cape Town. The birds flying, in particular, make it perfect.
Published: at 12:00 AM🔗 images.krrd.ing
Coming soon
is Images by krrd.ing, a brand new site by Brandon that&apos;s just getting started. Things will be up and running here shortly, but you can <a href="#/portal/">subscribe</a> in the meantime if you&apos;d like to stay up to date and receive emails when new content is</p>
Published: at 12:00 AM🔗 images.krrd.ing
Links Worth Visiting...
The Military Con No One Talks About | Brandon's Journal
I come from a proud military family. Both my father and my step-father are retired veterans, and both of them are I know what you are thinking, they must ha...
Published: at 04:47 PM🔗 brandons-journal.com
Adventures in self-hosting
I moved everything to my own hosting!
Published: at 04:43 PM🔗 coryd.dev
Year of Motion • Nic Lake
It's me, I'm the object.
Published: at 11:11 PM🔗 niclake.me
Administrating my GoToSocial instance - monitoring and backup
The day-to-day tasks of a Fediverse instance admin
Published: at 11:06 PM🔗 stfn.pl